To encode: encodeURI(str) To decode: decodeURI(str) This is why you have to make sure that you encode and decode the URL parameters every time you use them. The spaces will be replaced with the %20 code.
For example try to write a space in a link and press enter. There are some characters that you can’t pass through the URL.Evernote 单词本(每个单词都有时间戳、中文意思和上下文)A Custom Wordbook With Keyboard Maestro, PopClip and Evernote Evernote PDF 笔记集(点击 Evernote 笔记里的链接能回到 PDF 的做笔记的那一页)Highlighting Procedure: Chrome, Jstor, Hazel, Skim, Keyboard Maestro, AppleScript and Evernote.The app is developed by Stairways Software and its user rating is 4.5 out of 5. It is a perfect match for Automation in the System Tools category. The latest version of Keyboard Maestro is 9.0 on Mac Informer.In the example above, I save the file path in a variable known as Quotes Path. It’s handy when you want to reuse the value in other macros, shell scripts, or AppleScripts. Variable is where you store the permanent value where you use in almost any fields in Keyboard Maestro.Knowing this, and another trick, we can organize our palette so that it looks nice and makes logical sense too. By default, Keyboard Maestro organizes your macros in numerical and alphabetical order.